Pocket-Sized Scorebook Almanac
A collection of how-tos, resources, and inspirations behind our favorite little Pocket-Sized Scorebook.
Example Scoring Styles
1) Traditional, Simplified Scoring
The cells in the Pocket-Sized Scorebook support a simplified, traditional scorekeeping method.
In this example, we kept track of the result of each at bat, outs made, and runs batted in (using dots). You will have to make decisions about details that you track and don’t track. For example, Acuña made the final out of the first inning on the basepaths in a rundown. The out was noted as taking place between first and second base, but the 4-3-6-3 sequence was not recorded.
Here’s the bottom half of the scorecard for the same game. You can see there’s still room for some flair where you’d like it.
Again, runs batted in are tracked with dots in the at-bat cell, as shown here to indicate Frazier drove in two runs with his triple.
The Pocket-Sized Scorebook is limited to one substitution slot. In this game, three players were used in the #2 spot in the lineup. Here’s how we scored it:
2) Slashes & Dashes
In this example, base hits are marked with a dash (or series of dashes) and a numeral. One dash indicates a single, two dashes indicate a double, and three dashes indicate a triple. The numeral that accompanies the dashes notes where the ball was hit. So a hit marked “-7” indicates a single to left field. Some will use four dashes to mark a home run, but in this example a “HR” is used.
Game Gallery
Rick in Baltimore
“Singles are 1 horizontal dash, doubles are 2 dashes stacked, triples are 3 dashes stacked, homers are D for Dong. In the 6th my Birds batted around so to show the beginning of the 7th I use a wavy line. Right arrows indicate the start of the next inning. Exclamation points are for surprising or amazing plays, like in the O’s 8th Kemp was robbed by the center fielder making an awkward catch near the wall that made him fall to the ground on his back.”

John in Wisconsin
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